
La la la.

Hello people, so I'm sure I have no followers as of yet, but I'm hoping to soon. and if i happen to have any, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.

    I'm like STRESSIN' here folks. And here are the reasons why.
  • I now have a brutal head cold.
  • school is being relatively crazy
  • life : that in itself is explanatory
  • and the infamous relationship.
Okay now to expand..
        Head cold.
It came on suddenly, but strong. It was fierce and it's tormenting me, like "nah nah' Feel better' well HERE" and then I have a Conniption fit of coughing. not a whole lot more to say about that. But being sick sucks...

Okay now, I'm in grade 12. and it's stressful. becase not only is it my last year of highschool. but this years marks really COUNT this time around. its what colleges are looking at, and heaven knows that my marks are shit, most of the time. So I have been putting alot of effort into this year, and its difficicult. and this week is going to drive me insain. heres my list
  • Physics test tomorrow.
  • News articles, summary and how it affects me, due monday.
  • Chemistry test tuesday
  • Chemistry mid term thursday.
Someone SAVE ME.

Drama sucks. friendships get tested and tryed and in the end, life hates you no mater what.

         Not really feeling like totally explaining my love life. But I will clarify that it's not BAD. Actually it has been quite good only problem that I would like to fix is arguing. Don't you think it would be great if you could be like perfect couple that never fights and gets along great :)
me to, but thats not the way it works. so you gotta make due with what you have. and what i have is a FANTASTIC boyfriend who loves me. and we have an over competitiveness about us. and we gotta work on that one, it causes problems, and i'm sure he'd agree.  but whether its good or bad, it is always stressful.
   I know you'll read this so when you do, :) I LOVE YOU..
( and so you people are clear, we have been together for just over a year total. and known eachother for almost three, around two and a half now so :). ) 

So that just about covers my stress for the time being. hope you all engoyed my ranting. LOL


Short, and sweet.

Today's post goes like this...

Love stinks sometimes folks.

Sorry, not feeling very thinkish...


So on...

Now, I am new to this whole, Blog thing, so I don't really know if people start out with these kinds of things, but I'm going to tell you a BIT about myself, and then some...
My name is Meaghan, I am 17years old and live in Canada █ █ :) I have three sisters ( two half ) and 1 brother. I live with my mother, my Father is three hours away. I have a amazing boyfriend, whom I love very much.
 Facts :
I love Cats.
Also Chocolate.
Watermelon Flavored candy is the BEST kind!
I love Science.
I'm, a, little, Comma, crazy, I, Like, Pauses. xD
Singing is my passion :)
and my favorite colour is Purple.
... I could go on forever but I'll stop there..

 Fears :
Dark places.
Heights, a little.
The Un-known.

Pet - Peeves :
Ignorant people.
Persistent sounds.
When someone is excessively talking about how good food is. Ex, " mmm, oh this is soooo good, mmmmm" I don't know why but its super irritating.
Girls, mainly, who dress way to inappropriately.
Drama ( like life drama, not acting drama, although some of it is very theatrical lol).
At this moment in time I can not think of other ones, but i know there are MANY

Some things about me that you now know :)
Goodnight world, if anyone is even there...


And it begins.

I have decided that I am starting a blog. and although I have failed English...twice, I will try with my best and most honest attempt to write something. That makes sense, and has a minor amount of significance. :)
I would be happy to have you come along for the ride, and enjoy the deep thoughts of just another 17 year old girl.
